Monday, September 10, 2018

5 Easy BodyWeight Exercises

Exercising is Fun!!!

      If you do not have access to a gym, or if you just don't have the time to go anywhere to get you're blood flowing and muscles stretching, don't you fear, because we have the perfect guide to get you off your "Gluteus Maximus" and out into the fitness world. Like most people, your schedule is most likely filled from morning to night with seldom any time to get the stress relieving, calorie losing, exercise your body so desperately desires. By incorporating the 5 exercise techniques listed below into your routine, you will realize that it is quite easy to get a workout in, and fun too.

1.) Pushups

Pushups are beneficial for building upper body strength. They work on the triceps, pectoral muscles, shoulders, and if done properly can also strengthen your lower back and core. Pushups are the fastest and most effective exercise for building strength. The guide above is a perfect example of how to properly execute a pushup with the proper form.

2.) Pull-ups
A pull-up is the most efficient way to work on multiple muscle groups. A single pull-up works out your biceps, triceps, forearms, wrists, grip strength, lats, shoulders, and your core. You don't necessarily need a pull-up bar to do pull-ups. Any solid length capable of holding your weight will do. It may be difficult to start doing pull-ups at once, but don't you worry, practice makes perfect. Start slow, stay safe and in no time you will be pulling yourself up like nothing.

3.) Squats               
      Although squats primarily work on your leg muscles (Glutes, Quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves), they can also help create an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building. Performing squats also help you lose a lot of body fat. Your glutes are the biggest muscle you have on your body, and along with your legs, they require the most effort to move and therefore burn the most calories during exercise. The great thing about squats is that you can literally do them anywhere, with or without weight. It is an essential part of every total body workout regiment.

4.) Ab Exercises
The benefits of having a strong core are aplenty. A strong core improves your sports performance, prevents lower back pain, improves posture, allows for better breathing, and so on. It will also slim your waistline and give you that hot sixpack beach body you've always wanted. From situps to leg raises, there are many different options to suit your comfort level and get you started towards that rock hard stomach of your dreams.

5.) Cardio
No, it's not Spanish, it's Cardiovascular Exercise and its good for you! When most people think about cardio, they think about losing weight, however, fat loss is only one awesome side effect of performing cardiovascular exercises. Other benefits include improved endurance, increase lung capacity, boosts bone density to ward off osteoporosis, decrease depression and stress, and promotes a healthy heart. You can run, you can walk, bike, hike, swim, whatever your heart desires, just get out there and start sweating. 

So no matter your experience level, your ability to exercise, or your lack of equipment, get up, go outside, and start your new journey into the world of fitness

DISCLAIMER:This blog is for information purposes only. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. If you are in the United States and think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care professional, or 911, immediately.

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  1. Love this blog, but what's up with the comment section?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shant you did a good job on your blog!
    I like the way you shared 5 exercises that can help out to start a fitness journey. When I saw the explanation of each exercise and how it helps the body, made me think about starting a fitness journey. Your information is really helpful and I think it will help others.

    I think that you should explain for how long to do the exercises? What can a person do to be consistent and to not quick even if it gets hard?

  4. There was a lot of fun in this blog, from the tone used in the language, to some of the images used. That said, one of the effect of pulling from so many different sources was that the how-to lacked a sense of unity, and I felt myself wanting to check out another blog. A little more background wouldn't have hurt either. Also, in general, you leave the heavy lifting (the technical writing itself) to your sources, while you act as more of a tour guide.

    Anyways, fun blog.
