Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How To Barbeque

Something that can't be denied, is that people love their food. It's not just that we need food to nourish our bodies and be healthy, but food is just so delicious we would eat it even if we didn't need to. Barbequing your food, is another way of cooking, that will have your food tasting heavenly. If you've never Barbequed before or if you have some experience but just need to brush up on your knowledge, you've come to the right place. This is an overview on the things you need to know before you start barbequing.

Choose Your Grill

When it comes to barbeque grills, there are two main types. These would be charcoal grills and gas grills. Charcoal grills are grills that cook food from burning charcoal briquettes. These grills are known for giving you that amazing smoky, grilled flavor in your food. These grills will definitely give you the best flavor, but calls for prepping the charcoal, lighting it with either lighter fluid or without, depending on the charcoal, and disposing of the charcoal at the end. Gas grills are the more popular type of grill and you see these much more often in the backyards of homes. These grills are powered by propane gas tanks and are popular because of how easy it is to get them fired up. These grills don't take much preparation because they don't need charcoal and the hassle of preheating the grill and disposing of the ashes at the end.

Grab All Necessary Equipment

In order to make sure you’re ready to cook up some mouth-watering food, you should make sure you have all the right tools to do this. You should make sure you have your grill of course and the correct fuel for each, charcoal or propane. Next, you should make sure you have cooking tools like a spatula, some tongs, a basting brush to season your food as they cook if needed, a grill brush to properly clean your grill, and a meat thermometer to make sure your food is properly cooked. After that you can obtain other tools you might need depending on what you are cooking and preference. Anything from grill mits to an apron, are things you might want to grab but is not required.

Clean Your Grill

Unless your grill is brand new, you want to make sure it is clean, to try to make sure you're going to be cooking food that is clean and won't cause you harm from the nasty residue and such from the last cook out, and just because it is kept outside, you never know what kind of stuff is on there. If you are smart and keep your grill

Start Cooking It Up

Now you don’t just automatically start cooking once you either have lit your charcoal or turned on your gas grill, you have to let it heat up. You should wait till the flames have died down and the coals are white and hot before you start cooking, and on a gas grill give it 15 min to get to a suitable temperature.

Proper Cooking Temperatures

The number one thing about cooking raw food like many meats on the barbeque is to make sure that your food is cooked well enough so that it is safe to eat. After cooking your meats for the time required, grab your meat thermometer and stick it inside through the middle and towards the center and check the temperature of it. Ground beef should reach a temperature of 160ºF without any rest time first. Pork and Ham should reach a temperature of 145ºF, but make sure it sits of the flames for 3 minutes before you check the temperature. Turkey and chicken should reach a temperature of 165ºF with no rest time.

Seasoning Your Food

Marinades and basting sauces will burn in the grill temperature is too hot or if exposed to heat for too long. When your marinades and basting sauces burn, you won't get the flavor you were hoping for. It will taste dry and without enough flavor. To avoid this, keep an eye on your food while it on the grill and keep track of cooking times.

Don't Be Afraid to Get Creative

A big part to barbequing is being creative, there are many ways of cooking things on the grill but also many things to cook. When people think of barbequing they think of burgers and hot dogs, and those are both very delicious but there are plenty of other foods that can be grilled. Steaks, ribs, fish, shrimp, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and even pizza are just some of the things you can throw on the grill and enjoy.

Enjoy That Food!



  1. Before reading this blog, I didnt really know that there was a correct way to bbq. I knew that there was a good way to do it but i never really thought it was gonna be too important. Well, I was wrong and after reading your how-to blog on bbq, i can say that ive learned alot.
    There are lots things that i like about the blog but let me just go over a few. The first thing I like is tat you used pics. It may seem obvious to put some but the pics you used were of dogs, which is cool to me.
    Another thing I liked is that you pretty muched coverd everything. You even went as far as to suggest the reader to get creative, which is cool becasue not that many people (i would say) get creative. They just want to get to the food.
    I would say that the best thing to improve your blog would be to add a section where you talk about different sauces that can be used to bbq. Maybe even add some specific recomendations of foods that are normally done, or even add a link that sends the reader to a How-to bbq burgers, just to get them started.

  2. Nice job. I pointed out some errors below, but this is well-done. I don't totally get how marinades and seasonings are supposed to make me think differently, but the other pieces of information are a nice walk-through of the process. Maybe we could have used more info about the equipment though...

    If you are smart and keep your grill

    make sure it sits of the flames

