Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How to Change a Light Bulb

Every so often, a light bulb will go off and in order to go on with your everyday tasks, you must change it. In order to complete this task, you will need to have an extra light bulb for the replacement and depending on where the bulb it located, a ladder/stair set.

Step 1: Taking Safety Measures.
Dealing with electricity could be very dangerous, so it is important to make sure to take the right precautions. Start off by making sure the light source is off or disconected. You can do this by simply unplugging a lamp or turning off the fuse box.
If the light had been recently turned on, it is recommenced that you wear gloves because the light bulb will be too hot and you might hurt yourself.
Another precaution that must be taken into consideration is knowing how to place a sturdy ladder or structure if the location of your light bulb is from your reach. To make sure you do not tip over while changing the bulb.

Step 2: Unscrewing light Bulb

After taking all the safety necessities, you can start to actually unscrew the light bulb from the light socket. Usually, the way to remove the light bulb is by turning it towards the left (lefty loosy). When it has been removed from the socket, make sure to place the broken light bulb somewhere safe, where it won't roll off an shatter.

Step 3: Screwing new Light Bulb
Get the new light bulb and place it onto the light socket. Then, start twisting it towards the right (righty tighty) to keep it in place. Make sure to have twisted all the way through in order to prevent it from randomly falling.

Step 4: Reassuring the light Works.
It is a good idea to check after if the new light bulb turns on. You can reconnect the plug or turn o the fuse box to check this. If it is not working, you might have to use a different type of light bulb.

On the other hand, if the light turns on then you have completed your mission on changing a light bulb! Keep in mind children or young adults should not try this on their own. Make sure an adult is there to make the light switch.

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  1. Since the overall goal is to just explain how to change a light bulb, this seems like a very clear and to the point explanation on how to change the lightbulb. The first image is like an eye catcher since it is funny to see such a highe lightbulb being changed. It’s pretty obvious that only adults would be changing lightbulbs but maybe.... just maybe adding a disclaimer that children or young “adults” should not do it at least without adult supervision would help in case someone points it out. That aside, overall the blog is clear and works I now know how to change a lightbulb! :)

  2. Thank you. I am glad to see that you can now change your own light bulb! And thank you for reminding me that this should only be for adults.

  3. This was a pretty funny blog that takes seriously a set of skills that we expect people to have without ever telling them. There are a couple of odd formatting moments, grammar, and a safety issue (what kind of gloves do you use?), but overall, this is a fun use of this exercise.
