Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How To Make a Simple Yet Tasty Burger!

Whether you are at home with family, out at the park, or even just hungry but tired of buying food out and feel like making something simple yourself, then you can't go wrong with a burger! Here are some simple steps to make a burger.

Step 1: Going To Your Supermarket And Picking Out Ingredients

The ingredients that you will need are the ones as listed:

-Cheese -Tomatoes -Onion (red or white) -Lettuce -Pickles -Brioche Buns (or any other bun based on preference) -Ketchup -Mayonnaise -Barbecue -Mustard -Sriracha -100% Lean Ground Beef -Salt and pepper (for seasoning)

Step 2: Getting Ingredients and Grill Ready 

(It is recommended for you to have a grill as it is where burgers are usually made, if not you can cook them on a pan that has groves on the inside.)

-While your grill is warming up, begin cutting the tomatoes in slices that will fit in the burger bun.
-After you are done move onto the lettuce and cut the leaves off into sizes that will also fit in the burger bun.
-When cutting the onion, wear gloves if you have some as the smell of onion can stay in you fingertips for a while.
-Moving on to the pickles, cut thin slices if the pickles purchased were not pre-sliced.
-For your beef, make a couple of sizable balls of the meat and then apply pressure on the top to make the shape of a hockey puck. (The shape will not be perfect but try your best to get that shape) Once you have the meat in the required shape, mix the salt and pepper on a container and drizzle a fair amount of it on the beef patties. (not too much because then the patties will be too salty)

By now, your grill will most likely be warm enough around 450F to be exact. So now it will be time to move onto the next step.

Step 3: Grilling Beef Patties... (There's More Than One Way?)

If you haven't been to restaurants that have asked for what temperature you want your meat to be cooked in then this might sound completely new to you. Mc. Donald's, In-n-Out and other fast food chains typically cook you the burger between medium well and well done without asking you. This is the base way to eat your burger, however, if you feel that your burger is missing flavor then it is most likely because your patty is too dry and is well done. 

Meat temperatures:

-Rare: Cook patty on one side for three minutes. Turn it over and cook for an additional three minutes. 
-Medium Rare: Cook patty on one side for three minutes. Turn it over and cook for an additional four minutes. 
-Medium: Cook patty on one side for three minutes. Turn it over and cook for an additional five minutes. 
-Medium Well: Cook patty on one side for three minutes. Turn it over and cook for an additional six minutes. 
-Well Done: Cook patty on one side for three minutes. Turn it over and cook for an additional seven minutes. 

Step 5: Put All The Ingredients Together And Enjoy! 

Toast buns if you would like and put all the ingredients you have together and enjoy your creation! As a side recommendation, medium rare or medium are the best tasting temperatures to eat a burger at, if you want to get the most juicy flavor!
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  1. Hello John, I enjoyed your article. I think you did a good job on being specific in the steps, for example, including all the ways you can cook a patty. I also feel that you did a good job with the pictures.. if anything you could include more pictures of the ingredients in case some of your audience do not know how it looks like. Furthermore, I can assume that your intended audience is towards people who are hungry or like to cook. My only concern would probably telling the web where you work. Maybe you could conclude your article by adding a secret tip that makes your burgers extra tasty.

  2. Nice job John. Not everything made perfect sense like, "mix the salt and pepper on a container," but for the most part you make grilling a burger sound fun and easy.
